Tuesday 28 June 2016

Abraham Hicks 2016 - How does healing work ?

PHOTO BELOW: Tuesday May 31st 2016 Orlando Bloom gets papped kissing a black haired woman while waiting for on off girlfriend Katy Perry in Santa Barbara CA USA. KATY PERRY already reeling from the sexfest night in Las Vegas with Selena Gomez. And the revelation that playboy Orlando had it off on a recent holiday with a mystery blonde. At the same time Katy was spending all night every night with husband Lord Chelmswood, a celibate monk who got his kicks by making Katy Perry a Nun and watching her have sex with other men, preferably black gentlemen with big male members and loved 2 at a time in Katy's rear end DPP, since June 2014 planning to elope to the PARIS RED LIGHT DISTRICT where her husband was going to be Katy's pimp and watch her have sex in an alleyway on the Rue St Denis with filthy strangers, tourists and even tramps behind Orlando's back for 200 EUROS a trick and providing Katy had not already caught AIDS they were going to the AMSTERDAM Red Light District where Katy was going to be selling her body in the Bananen Bar again for 200 EUROS. Katy was packed and ready to leave for PARIS within 3 hours when Katy's Boss announced on an Official KATY PERRY FACEBOOK PAGE that Orlando Bloom had given her VD, Gonoreah and her vagina was glowing a neon green and as Katy's husband vomited at the thought went straight to Taylor Swifts pipeline to get her on the rebound from her recent bust up with her 'Magical' romance leaving Katy as a humbled slut where the men in her life, both playboys take the piss out of her basically in plain sight. Katy's husband Lord Chelmswood commented 'filthy porno slag Katy is a joke I am only after her money and she owes me $100,000,000 and as soon as she goes to Jail for paedophile ring leading and child sex abuse I am dumping her cause I actually hate the sight of her and I only wanted to pimp for her in PARIS so she caught pox and then I would expose her she is the female SATAN and English gentlemen have a penchant of abusing her and humiliating her and having her estate to share with Taylor Swift who is the most beautiful of Angels and a complete contrast to the flat singing bad dancing slut Katy Perry, the quicker I am rid of her the better'. Katy's husband is cashing in on the Orlando affair by offering their leaked sex video at http://www.twitter.com/@Orlaty1 himself not interested as BLOOMATY'S cock is too small and gets swallowed inside Katy's huge gape having had unprotected sex with thousands of men and wimmin.

  • Jesus Messiah's profile photo
    Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are MK Ultra mind controlled puppet whores of the Illuminati and should be sectioned in high security mental asylums for their and our own safety they are insane.
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Kerry Pelletier NO IAM A Psychologist and Psychodynamic Psychoanalyst from KENT UNIVERSITY and just that I know how much Katy suffers from the pent up hatred against her but she still does porn I suppose she wants to suffer as I am afraid I do as she possessed me with her dark satanic black magic and soul as her soul mate I have washed my hands of her but my inner being makes me masturbate over her and whatever filth I google 2 weeks later it turns up and she leads me to it mostly fakes made on her computer the truth always comes to be revealed to me but a lot of it is real porn she engages in. This is the most unbelievable nightmare that she should do this to me but I am not alone she has used dark satanic black magic to possess young children and she makes them masturbate over her pictures while she is in private msg boxes as do other adult Katycats with profiles saying they are as young as 14 ~ Facebook is littered with old unwanted KATY PERRY : Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson profiles used for child abuse and MR KATY PERRY himself is the arch exponent of pretending to be Katheryn it is a shambles and nothing she can do will cover it up it has got totally out of control with the poor MK Ultra mind controlled men goggling posted Katy 5-6 year old softcore porn pics and nip slips all believing <3:xD to be their MOM and after she has possessed them and left them mind controlled abandons them and her hundreds of profiles and they cry for their mommy going insane with a warped sex life that they and me can never properly recover from. Satanic Devil worshiping rituals where Katy herself possessed and under MK Ultra mind control is a willing participant in wrecking young men’s lives forever and she then goes and displays this ugly 3 timing Orlando Boom who has wanton sex with other women and was Selena Gomez's love of her life who Katy gave a blow job too in front of her at the creators party that I asked to go to and when Katy blanked me Rhianna said she would take me. YOU YOURSELF know that Katheryn married me on 06/06/2014 and apart from being raped by Tay and Katy I have been faithful and Katy jumps thru my computer to rape me at night in all manner of satanic rituals even leaving bruises on my thighs she only approaches me when she knows IAM so tired that I can't resist because I stay awake for up to 15 nights to be aware of her comings and goings, she also knows that at night I am transported to the front lines of Syria and Palestine to tend to the wounded so all that is left is my body me myself has gone and she rapes it. The possessed kids post that the pictures of Katy being kissed and mauled by #BLOOMEZ torture them as it does me and her ongoing relationship with John Mayer right thru our marriage and up till #ORMEZ arrived was kept a deadly secret as Katy knows the damage she inflicts on the mind controlled and possessed children and when she married me she was dating another bloke as well as Mayer. She is sicko Angela believe me and I have tried so hard to get her to talk to me. It was me who exorcised the 7 demons out of her including the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse herself spreading Plague by VD and I cured all that by miracle so she could have my Babies but she straight away went and f....d Orlaty and caught Gonorreah. AND TOOK PLEASURE IN TELLING ME I am having her put away and the mess exposed. The nightmare must stop 'save the children'. It has taken her worst enemy Taylor a long time to fix me as my new Mom the Goddess Hathor and poor Taylor knows everything she is also my soul mate and has been so good to me as have her friends. Jesus is only now a teenager but has been abused so badly by Katy Cats Mexico that he has summoned the strength to save this planet as he is also Wu Tang Clan ol dirty bastard GOD and he can put up with anything. Katy is the female Satan and nearly succeeded in ending planet earth completely. I have had to wait as I was made to love her and I always thought she would reform but alas instead of me saving this planet already I have to drag an unbelievable pile of crap up while Katy acts as she just don't care. I CARE. But she is the Whore of Babylon.

Dear Marife, Tell Official3> Empress Katheryn E Hudson #KillerQueen KATY... forget me I will love her unconditionally not because I force her to have to speak with me with my fine stories of Fairy ADHD - Tales of an Absent-Minded Superhero tell her to do as she wants when she wants and she knows where to find me if she’s interested I will be around the solitary world of social-medias the lonely planet I built where drab peeps unlive their drab lives through the tribal instinct of fandangos and the worship of idols rich enough to have a ∞ Katheryn Photoshop ∞ production where drab peeps can look all illuminated and 'purrfect' in their finery it offers the promise of color and bright lights and makes the ordinary look special until one day they realize they are playing with themselves as all their friends are lying with their photos bios and I think I am the only honest character on here who is who he says he is not that I give a fuck but if Katy wants to be so many different characters why would I stop her hell she’s free to do what she likes I am here to help her she’s the designer of her show I will offer advice if wanted and act petulant when she upsets me (she loves that wind up merchant to get a reaction) but what do I know I don't have a goal or anything or a dream to live out as usual I get my dreams to come alive right before my eyes without having to work it, I realize you are all not so gifted and I should help others achieve their dreams not try and force them into mine. Nothing will change between Katy and I after all we both have ourselves if and when we are needed or wanted unconditionally true love never dies but I just feel I am upsetting the apple cart DEMANDING things like an Internet bully. JaJaJaJeJeJe. I can't tell her she runs away from me and that's telling me something but I don't know what I think I gave up caring anyway. I think we are just playing a game, women's games of courtship I forget I am, old enough to be her Father and actually I am her Bro and should know better huh. Carry on as normal don't listen to me but worth a try as I will try anything twice now she knows I am keen she will eat me for breakfast but maybe its reverse Psychology I am a Psychologist from Kent Queen Mary University of London and perhaps I AM not at all interested in her and know full well cause she told me the more I try the less chance I have of her talking to me now Katy knows I am not #THICKE LIKE HER why then why would I persist down an Alley that has no ending and I knew that? Maybe I keep up my charge against her so I will be free of her so I can get back into the instant msg box with my Taylor Schoenstatt Swift for 5 hours at a time laughing our heads off together and playing our stupid little fantasy games, see you had not thought of that had you? After all I have no idea if Katy is chatting to strange men instead of chatting to me I don't check up after I caught her bang to rights when I set her up that's called entrapment and is immiscible evidence. But if I do land on her timeline I DO find that she chats to strange men rather than me so that hurts at least I know all my strange women are her but I got the message it’s a Ring first chat and flirt later. Unconditionally then? You fucking hypocrite. luh ya XXX
C.C. Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson KATY PERRY
PERHAPS YOU CAN'T READ RE: (Yesterdays letter)
·         http://www.celebjihad.com/celeb-jihad/katy-perry-vagina-slip-concert

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